The Artist, renowned for their expertise in Indian Mythology, has created a mesmerizing collection of paintings that delve into the rich and mystical tales of Indian folklore. With masterful strokes and a keen eye for detail, the Artist has brought to life the vibrant characters, epic battles, and timeless myths that define Indian culture. Each painting is a testament to the Artist’s deep understanding and passion for Indian mythology, capturing the essence of gods, goddesses, demons, and heroes in a stunning array of colors and textures. Through their art, the Artist invites viewers to embark on a visual journey through the captivating realm of Indian mythology.
Shri Shri Kalikalighat Painting By Indian Mythology
₹1,200.00 – ₹19,200.00
+ Free ShippingShri Ram Panchayatam is a captivating masterpiece created by the renowned Chitrashala Steam Press in Pune. This stunning painting depicts the divine and serene image of Lord Ram surrounded by his Panchayatam (five companions) in a picturesque setting. The vibrant colors and intricate details bring the scene to life, making it a truly mesmerizing work of art. This beautiful painting is a timeless addition to any art collection, and its exquisite craftsmanship and spiritual theme make it a must-have for art enthusiasts and believers alike. Don’t miss the opportunity to bring home this enchanting piece of Indian art and culture.
P Category | Framed, Rolled |
P Size | 16 x 11 Inch, 17 x 23 Inch, 23 x 35 Inch, 35 x 46 Inch |