The Artist, renowned for their expertise in Indian Mythology, has created a mesmerizing collection of paintings that delve into the rich and mystical tales of Indian folklore. With masterful strokes and a keen eye for detail, the Artist has brought to life the vibrant characters, epic battles, and timeless myths that define Indian culture. Each painting is a testament to the Artist’s deep understanding and passion for Indian mythology, capturing the essence of gods, goddesses, demons, and heroes in a stunning array of colors and textures. Through their art, the Artist invites viewers to embark on a visual journey through the captivating realm of Indian mythology.
Lord Krishna the cowherd By Indian Mythology
₹1,200.00 – ₹19,200.00
+ Free ShippingThis exquisite painting depicts the Kurmavtar, a significant event in Indian mythology, showcasing Lord Vishnu in his turtle incarnation. The artist has skillfully captured the divine essence of this ancient tale, where Lord Vishnu takes the form of a giant turtle to support the weight of the universe during its creation. The vibrant colors and intricate details bring this mythological scene to life, evoking a sense of awe and reverence. This captivating artwork is a perfect addition to any art collection, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of India and the profound symbolism behind Lord Vishnu’s Kurmavtar.
P Category | Framed, Rolled |
P Size | 16 x 11 Inch, 17 x 23 Inch, 23 x 35 Inch, 35 x 46 Inch |